

To donate please email us with your full name, telephone number and confirm the size of your donation to and make your payment directly into our account using your name as a reference:

BBPI Foundation
Barclays Bank
Account number: 53884252
Sort Code: 20- 32-06

Make your mark on the future generation.

Our aims and values are to:

  • Promote talent, success and leadership
  • Deliver financial, networking and mentoring support to talented young British Bangladeshis enabling them to achieve to their highest potential
  • Harness the Power & Inspiration of the BBPI alumni and network
  • Create a legacy of support from one generation to the next

We hope you will join us by committing your skills, services and finances to the BBPI Foundation so we can take the project through the next five years and beyond.

Together we will break boundaries and encourage achievement at the next level.